SAS vs R

September 22, 2021


Big data has become a staple for companies seeking to gain insights and stay competitive in the market. When it comes to analyzing vast amounts of data, SAS and R are two of the top contenders in the field. But which one is better for your business needs? Let's compare them and find out!


SAS has been in the analytics business for decades and is a staple in the industry. It is known for its robust features, customer support, and user-friendly interface. R, on the other hand, is an open-source language widely used in academic research and data science projects. It is free, easy to install, and has a vast user community.


Data Management

SAS is widely used in data management, particularly for large datasets. It can handle data of any size, and its data integration capabilities are second to none. It also provides Data Quality functions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of your data. R is an excellent tool for data pre-processing but lacks the data management functionalities present in SAS.

Analysis Capabilities

Both SAS and R have strong analysis capabilities. SAS has over 200 statistical procedures, including forecasting and predictive modeling. It also has data mining capabilities, and its output is easily interpretable. R, on the other hand, has an extensive library of statistical packages developed by the community, making it versatile and customizable. It also has machine learning capabilities but requires expertise to use effectively.


SAS is a commercial software, and it comes with a hefty price tag. Its licensing model is based on annual subscription fees, and the cost depends on the modules and usage. On the other hand, R is free, and it provides similar capabilities at no cost. However, enterprise-level support for R is offered by third-party companies that charge for their services.

Ease of Use

SAS's user interface is intuitive and easy to use, making it a popular tool among business professionals. Its point-and-click interface requires minimal coding expertise, while still allowing for customization through code editing. R, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and requires proficiency in programming. Its command-line interface may intimidate new users, but it provides more control over the analysis process.


Both SAS and R have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on your business needs. SAS is excellent for data management, has a user-friendly interface and excellent customer support. R, on the other hand, is a versatile and customizable tool with extensive community support at no cost. When it comes to analysis capabilities, both tools can provide excellent results, but require different skills to use effectively.


  • SAS vs. R: The Debate Continues (source)
  • Which One Should You Learn SAS or R? (source)
  • R vs SAS: Which is Right for You? (source)

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